Our Bulletin

Sunday - October 20, 2024


10:30 AM

Pastor Gary Maas


Welcome and Announcements

Call To Worship : Psalm 84:1-5,10

*Hymn # CH 548 As the Deer

*God Greets Us

*Hymn # CH 643 O Lord, You're Beautiful

*We Greet Each Other

*Praise Songs

Responsive Reading of the Law – As a Rule of Gratitude

Congregational Prayer

Children’s Message (3-5 year olds dismissed for Children in Worship)

Scripture: Luke 5:1-11 /  12:22-34

Message: The Heart of the Hunt ‘

Prayer of Application

Apostles' Creed

Hymn # CH 441 (offering received) Rescue the Perishing

*Hymn # CH 816 We Give Thee But Thine Own

*Offertory Prayer


*Hymn # PH 14 vs.1-3 Whole-hearted Thanksgiving to Thee I Will Bring




    Oct 20 Clayton – Ashley VH
    Oct 27 Tucker – Bailey DL
    Nov 3 Duane – Ruth W
    Nov 10 Steve – Camielle V


    Today - Missionary
    Oct 27 General
    Nov 3 Mission / Quota
    Nov 10 General


Bulletin Delivery:
    Oct 20 – Dale / Oct 27 – Marlin
    Nov 3 – Randy / Nov 10 – Keith / Nov 17 – Dan / Nov 24 - Joey


    TODAY - Saylor – Lisa S
    Oct 27 – Carly – Val
    Nov 3 – Garth – Jan
    Nov 10 – Daryan –Norma
    Nov 17 – Saylor – Ruth


Children in Worship:
    TODAY - Terra
    Oct 27 – Kim
    Nov 3 – Norma
    Nov 10 – Rachel
    Nov 17 -- Terr



Prayer List:
    ~ daily trials/stress ~ health issues ~ financial matters ~
           ~ loss of loved ones ~ a mind free of worries ~
             a spirit of thankfulness for God’s blessings


Be faithful in prayer... Clayton – Ashley – Luna – Oliver – Ada VH

Be faithful in prayer... Arlene P




    Oct 20 Elwood VB
    Oct 21 Joel W
    Oct 21 Jaden P
    Oct 22 Cindy W


    Oct 20 Daryl & Jess DV




Congregation Info:


Sun - Oct 20 Children in Worship begins TODAY !
                      This is for children ages 3-5 year olds


Wed - Oct 23 Evening Bible Study begins @ 7:00 pm
                        Open to one and all – invite a friend !!!
                        (coffee and encouragement before and after)
                        Study books -- Max Lucado – Because of Bethlehem
                        Let’s look how the love born in Bethlehem can give us hope


Sun - Nov 3 Mission Fest Sunday


Sun - Nov 3 Reformation Day Rally Sunday evening - 7:00 pm
                        in Harrison Community Church
                        Victor and Lori Solomoni from Mozambique will be the guest speakers
                        An offering will be taken for them. Refreshments to follow service






Aurora Reformed Church soup supper Tuesday, Oct 22nd / 5:30 - 8:00 pm

Five kinds of soup, Hot chicken & BBQ sandwiches, desserts and pies to be served! Everyone welcome! 

Free will donation. 


Dakota Jubilee Men’s Choir will begin Thursday evening practices on October 31st @ 7:30 pm

at Dakota Christian High School music room New Voices are welcome to join !!

For information contact: Jeff Patzlaff (682-8867) or LaRoy Lefers (770-8435)


New Hope Christian Camp Fundraising Banquet on Friday, Nov 1st @ 6 pm

Tickets - $30 per person Speaker Pastor Tim Collins Register at newhopechristiancamp.org


Fall Fling Vendor/Craft fair @ Dakota Christian School - Nov 2nd 10 am - 2 pm

Over 45 vendor booths / soup & sandwich lunch / bake sale/Dutch specialty item Bake sale donation item

(please drop off at the school on Friday the 1st or that day) Hope to see you there!


RIGHT TO LIFE Amendment G will be on our ballots. This amendment would legalize late-term abortions,

including abortions after the baby is viable outside the / Should parents know if their underage daughter

is undergoing an abortion procedure? Amendment G would deny parents that right.

Find out more about Amendment G at www.LifeDefenseFund.com


The Dakota Christian juniors are selling birthday/anniversary calendars for $15 The calendar runs February 2025 to January 2026 Forms to purchase included in the DCS newsletter -- completed and returned to the school OR email the following to Kim Z (kimzomer@dakotachristian.net): first and last name, full address, phone number, birthdays and/or anniversaries with the individual's first and last name Order deadline is Nov. 4




Deadline for bulletin announcements - 6:00 pm on Thursday

Email announcements to: vangenderens [at] siouxvalley [dot] net