Our Bulletin

Sunday - July 28, 2024


10:30 AM

Pastor Gary Maas


Welcome and Announcements

Call To Worship: Psalm 145:8-12,17-21

*Hymn # 363 Near to the Heart of God

*God Greets Us

*Hymn # CH 643 O Lord, You're Beautiful

*We Greet Each Other

Praise Songs

Congregational Prayer

Children's Message

Scripture: Daniel 3:1-30

Message: A Greater Presence

Heidelberg Catechism Q & A 75-76

Formulary for The Lord's Supper

Hymn # CH 462 Come, Share the Lord

Celebration of The Lord's Supper

Hymn # CH 696 (offering received) God Leads Us Along

*Hymn # Doxology

*Offertory Prayer


*Hymn # My Friends May You Grow In Grace





    July 28 Randy – Diane N / Brian – Jean VG
    Aug 4 Dustin – Michela P / Josh – Leah DW
    Aug 11 Micah – Brianna DW / Dale DL
    Aug 18 Rod - Jean DL / Trent – Crystal DL


    Today - General
    Aug 4 Mission / Quotas
    Aug 11 General
    Aug 18 Missionary


Bulletin Delivery:
    July 28 – Dale
    Aug 4 - Marly / Aug 11 - Randy / Aug 18 - Keith / Aug 25 - Dan


    TODAY - Carly – Val
    Aug 4 – Garth – Jess DV / Aug 11 – Daryan – Camielle / Aug 18 – Saylor – Lisa S





Prayer List:
    ~ daily trials/stress ~ health issues ~ financial matters ~
            ~ loss of loved ones ~ a mind free of worries ~
               a spirit of thankfulness for God’s blessings


Be faithful in prayer... Randy – Diane N

Be faithful in prayer... Sarah V

Be faithful in prayer... Brian – Jean VG

Be faithful in prayer... Pastor Gary - Beth -- Alex – Marissa M





    July 30 Allen VH
    Aug 2 Beth Maas
    Aug 3 Alissa T


    July 30 Elwood & Karla VB
    July 31 Josh & Leah DW
    Aug 1 Ted & Alissa T




Congregation Info:



Dear Lord,

Please help me take this time

to remember Your great sacrifice for my sins.


I remember Your broken body and shed blood,

not for anything You did wrong,

but because You were paying the penalty for my sins.


Before I take this bread and drink this cup,

I repent for my sins I have committed before You.


Help me to NOT take this moment lightly,

but recognize how precious and holy this moment is.


I want to take a moment to thank You for Your sacrifice

and to thank You for the result of your sacrifice.

I thank You that because of what You did for me,

I can have my sins forgiven and have access to eternal life.


Thank You for loving me enough to pay this great price for me.

In Jesus name,






Cadets are looking for counselors -- for info contact Brady K @ 605-207-0061


The Institute for Reformed Biblical Counseling (IRBC) (the Shepherd's way) assistance to churches with counseling needs reformedbiblicalcounseling.org  Dr. Gary Cookson 605-777-0357  / tswsfsd@gmail.com

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"How good and pleasant it is
when God’s people live together in unity!"

Psalm 133:1


A pleasant atmosphere

where Jesus is the center

is essential for fellowship

when we understand the importance of being united

our behavior changes

seeking unity requires effort

but it brings great results for everyone



Deadline for bulletin announcements - 6:00 pm on Thursday

Email announcements to: vangenderens [at] siouxvalley [dot] net